OK this post has taken too long, please accept my humble apologies! I am combining one thank you and two promises here, and I know they are overdo.. but please do enjoy the work of these artists!

Ivory Pumpkin - Check these out!
Thank you!OK lets just state that I LOVE getting things in the mail so receiving this package was a thrill in itself! Many thanks for the beautiful necklace and fridge magnet we won from the
Ivory Pumpkin giveaway during Halloween - check out Joane's website
here! I do hope she got away with trick or treating this year as we are all young at heart - may we never grow up so much that we lose the magic!
We are enjoying these Joane!
Promise No 1Avalanche
essential picture of eternity
delirious bitter cool blue scream
frantic storm, elaborate symphony
timeless vision of beauty
delicate winter gown
reminded me so much of this poem I wrote earlier this year that I commented to Tammie on it and promised I would post it for her to see. Tammie is an amazing painter and writes poetry with her art as I often do - check out her website for some wonderful art!
Promise No 2
The second promise I am fulfilling today is posting these two artists whom I enjoy for Nicola at Nicola Toms Designs because I said I would! I love all three of these artists' styles

Singing Bird card by Anne Baird
This card which I bought at this years Harmony Arts Festival and love is painted by Anne Baird at Goddess Cards - it reminds me so much of Nicola Tom's Immoveable and yet they are also so different. Nicholas Tom is at Nicholas Tom's Designs and her art is outstanding - do take a peak
by Claire Kujundzic 1988
This is an amazing print by Clair Kujundzic I bought many years ago when I was working through post partum depression, it also reminds me of Nicola's style, similar yet again so completely different - I love that about art! Just a note this print by was a fund raiser (and is now the logo) for the Pacific Post Partum Support Society which is an amazing resource
should one need it!
There we go - some lovely work for everyone to enjoy!
Do check out the links!
Have a Great Day!