Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Cleopatra!

We have just discovered Sunday Sketches on Sophia's Blue Chair Diary!! We love it - both children and I will be submitting whenever our muse takes us. So here is our first submission and we have all posted a quick sketch of Cleopatra, mine is above, the children's follow!

C Moore age 10 Cleopatra (c)2010

T Moore age 12 Cleopatra (c)2010


  1. Beautiful sketches!! I love Cleopatra!! The kids sketches are wonderful!!

  2. these are great! welcome to sunday sketches! your kids are so talented,,,obviously get it from Mom :-)


  3. how wonderful! I think it is awesome your kids are joining in too. What a great thing to do together :-D

  4. All the Cleopatra's are great, I think it is wonderful that your children are involved in art with you.

  5. Wonderful sketches. Welcome to Sunday Sketches. Isn't great being able to sit and draw with your kids? Have a nice day, Heather

  6. Oh, each one is wonderful. I love that your children wanted to do sketches also!

  7. it's great to see 3 different perspective on the same subject and it's even nicer that they are all different ages, they're all adorable especially C's drawing

    thanks for your visit


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