Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Happy Birthday Deb!

Its our friend's birthday this week, and its a special birthday
at that, so we thought we should celebrate!

My children and I have been drawing Mary forever
and we know Deb loves our pictures of Mary ..

.. with birthday wishes in our hearts

Mary by C Moore age 10 (c) 2010

we thought we would dedicate our Sunday Sketches
to our friend Deb and sketch yet another study of Mary!

The Sacred Eyes of Mary by T Moore age 12 (c) 2010

Happy Birthday Debbie!


  1. Happy Birthday to the best mom in the world - Love William

  2. May God keep sending you His many Blessings, having good health and lots of happiness for many more years to come. My warmest and best wishes on this very special Birthday celebration.

    Con mucho carino,

    Vero Cerda

  3. A new milestone, Deb, Congratulations! May you enjoy the celebrations of this special day. ... patti

  4. Okay, just to try to do this right!

    More congratulations of your big day!

    ... patti

  5. Happy Half-Century Debbie!
    We are sitting by the pool in Phoenix having some serious piƱa coladas in celebration of your big day :-)


  6. Happy Birthday Deb! Love the sketches too!

  7. Happy Birthday Deb! D.L.

  8. Happy 50th Deb - half a century! Tom and Heather

  9. Blessings on your birthday and always. May the joy you radiate daily be reflected by your friends and loved ones, so that you too may experience the love and compassion you so freely give.
    Lots of love,

  10. oh what a perfect collection and so sweet for a birthday!!! Blessings to all of you!!! and Birthday wishes to your friend!!!

  11. wonderful sketches so nice to see your children participate, I love getting my boys involved in a challenge too! Looks like you have a couple of little artists on your hands too!

  12. how wonderful that you honored your friend with art! I enjoy each and everyone of your sketches!

  13. HAPPY 30th MY FRIEND!!!!
    Glad u have such a wonderful weekend in Oregon.
    Blessings to you always...
    Lots of Love,
    Jani, Johnny, Dane & Jessica

  14. I like the various interpretation, it's always fun to see how different people see the same thing

  15. Hi there, I love seeing the different sketches by your children every week....
    Happy Birthday wishes to your friend and I hope she enjoys her special day and ALL of these special drawings for her. And, i really like the colored version - too!

  16. great sketches, what a lovey way to honor your friend on her birthday.

  17. Happy Birthday to your friend, and what lovely sketches to honor her with!

  18. What a wonderful tribute to your friend and to Mary - lovely, poignant sketches!

  19. Happy Birthday's to another 50 good years to come!
    Love from Viviane, Ken and Chanelle

  20. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! May Day, Mary's Day, Deb's Day too! Debs week, month - keep it going as long as you can! xxxx L A T C We are happy to send you a couple more Mary's to add to the stack! Happy Birthday!

  21. Awesome sketches Lenora, and Happy Birthday to your friend Deb!

  22. wonderful and again so great to see how talented your kids are. Thanks for continuing to include them each week.

  23. Thank you to all my Lind friends for all your lovely thoughts. I must admit "I love all the fuzz"! - it helps keep me young. !
    My other secrets: "wake up early and kiss your loved ones as if you had not seen them in ages!" " take a stroll in the crisp early hours of the day and listen to the world waking" "play all day and All night ..... Yes....all the time:)!, "sleep well and laugh while you dream" and, as my wise father says: have a joke for every sticky situation, it's easier forgiving this way those who might piss you off during your happy day. and: think! They'll age faster than you!! ...hee, hee xxoo DEB


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