Thursday, October 7, 2010

Game Over

Game Over

he lay there,

teeth barred, body twitching

eyes fierce, already fading

"mommy, I see long whiskers on the counter, it's smiling - I think its a rat.."

gums rolled back in a wicked sneer

more like a rabbit - the rat was huge!

a mystery, where did he come from? he looked like he fell..

outrageous - a rat on our kitchen counter

Game over!

written together as therapy :-) by myself and my 10 year old daughter

prompt: game

unfortunately this story is true too!

Check out more at Theme Thursday!


  1. XD that kind of reminds me about me versing with the cockroach in the kitchen too, imagine three against one XDXD~ the newspaper always works =P

  2. Yikes! So big he fell through!
    Interesting hit on TT. -J
    Thanks for stopping by my place.

  3. Oh, seriously gross. Even the description of twitching makes my skin crawl.

  4. Wow - what a riveting visual...

    And its true?... would it make you feel better to know it happened to actress Laura Dern too? - while she was having guests, no less!

  5. Oh my, well I'm glad you were able to get therapy!

  6. Not sure if that is a game I want to play. Big rats...yikes!

  7. congratulations for the game being over. A wonderful thing to share.

  8. Nope no game for me! I'd be out the door in a flash! I am not afraid of spiders but rodents give me the Willy's, or is it Ben's?

  9. A Gourmet Rat! Arghhhhh........!


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