Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sugar Skulls

Happy Halloween all!

Witch's Hat by C Moore age 10

This week the children and I drew up our memory papers for our Shrine to Honour The Dead. To celebrate the season we also also made sugar skulls, a Mexican Tradition for Los Dias de los Muertos (Days of the Dead - All Souls, All Saints, and Dia de los Angelitios - Day of the Little Angels; children who have passed on)
Oct 31st through Nov 2nd.

Skelitos by the Moore's all ages

We began with a quick sketch of our skelitos (and a witches hat)
and then drew up our memory papers

so our friends could add to our shrine that we put up annually in the
kitchen to mark Halloween and All Souls.

The next step was to create our sugar skulls from sugar
and meringue powder and then to decorate them.

Sugar Skull in Honour of T Moore by me

Sugar Skull by T Moore age 13

Sugar Skull in honour of Aunt Sonia by K Radosevic age 12

Finally we put the offerenda together and have it
ready for our friends to add too!

our All Souls offerenda

To add a memory or honour a friend of family member who has died click here to go to our on-line Graveyard Party and Shrine to the Dead!

So much fun where a wee sketch can lead!
Check out the other sketches at Sophia's Blue Chair Diary and

Happy, Happy All Hallows Eve!


  1. I can feel the love, depth and care in all these activities you share together. You inspire me. Thank you!

  2. Love the head dressed sugar skulls! They are fabulous, each with their own personality and reflection. What a lovely way to honor and remember. The children's are amazing, artists with a lot of patience I think! Happy Halloween!

  3. Great job to all, love the sugar skulls

  4. Such a clever post. Wow, you are all so creative and talented. I have never seen sugar skulls before, you all made them look beautiful. The skelitos are a nice way to honour someone that has passed on your memory cards....
    Happy Halloween to a wonderful family!!!

  5. wow. these are fabulous...have never heard of this all the color...and what a way to honor...hope you and your famhave a delightful day.

  6. those sugar skulls are so lovely and well decorated, very creative group here

  7. The sugar skulls are amazing! How did you make them? Have a Happy Halloween!

  8. What a great thing to be able to do with your children to honour loved ones past. Great post. Those skulls look amazing!

  9. What a wonderful way to honor loved ones. Love the sketches and those sugar skulls are great, Very well done by all of you.

  10. I think working creatively with the cycle of life, with joy and with loss is a great way to keep a balance; so wonderful to model this with our children to help them work through the ups and downs of life! The sugar skulls are so bright, so festive!

  11. So great to post children's are with your own! They are all beautiful!


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