Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sunday Sketches and Good Reads

Sunday Sketches - We're early by necessity - thanks for looking!

Peter Pan is such a great read, especially if you can find an older version. And the old theater posters for this play are truly lovely. Fabulous children's literature is abundant, both new and old. Reading together aloud or silently is something I cultivate with my children, my husband, our family - see our Story Corners here, our Fall Seasonal Short Stories List here and our Advent Reading List here. We thought we might list a few favorite, favorites with our sketches..

The Wind Boy by Ethel Elliot Cook
Rhonia The Robber's Daughter by Astrid Lindgren (all surpass Pippi!)
Mio My Son by Astrid Lindgren
Brother's Lion Heart
by Astrid Lindgren
The Children of Noisy Village Series by Astrid Lindgren
Peter Pan by J M Barrie

Peter.. by me

This is my very quick peter - my son says he looks like a girl, but then the old theatrical productions of Peter Pan usually had a girl acting the male role.. beside Peter is quite Elvin I think, a bit of an imp.

The Little House in the Fairy Wood by Ethel Elliot Cook
The Dragon Boy Trilogy by Donald Samson
Little House On The Prairie by Laura Ingles Wilder
The Bobbsey Twins by Laura Hope

The Bobbsey Twins by C Moore age 10 (c) 2010

The Bobbsey Twins are one of my daughter's favorite books. Stories that invoke childhood, play and imagination. She loves The Noisy Children Books for the same reason!

The Harry Potter Series by J K Rowling
The Narnia Series by C S Lewis
The Lightening Thief Series by Rick Riordan
Robin Hood by Howard Pyle

Robin Hood by T Moore age 13 (c) 2010

I love the rustic reflection in my son's Robin Hood. Robin lived a tough life and I like strength portrayed here - Robin lived by his wits, after all he was a wanted man.

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!

To view more wonderful sketches by this group of Sunday Sketchers check out
Sophia's blog Blue Chair Diary.

Thanks again Sophia, for taking the time to host!


  1. Oh I love my old childrens' books I inherited from my mum. Great job on the sketches, very authentic.

  2. Hello dear! So lovely are all the drawings!Blessings.

  3. What an incredible family you sound! So glad to have caught this wonderful series. I think the peter pan is perfect...remembering the bobsey twins from my childhood - oh joy! I am a voracious reader myself and have passed that on so far (fingers crossed) to all of my lovelies.

    Thanks for sharing this week and for the lovely book lists.

    Smiles to you all!

  4. oh how wonderful, I love this subject and each of your sketches!

  5. Hey, those sunflowers are really something. Looks like you have some talent to nurture there! Love your Peter - he does look up to mischief which is exactly as he should!


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