Tuesday, June 15, 2010

7 Winners 11 Addictions

An award! The children and I are thrilled to receive our Art Award bestowed by the energetic and talented Eleni of A Pink Dreamer. Eleni's website is a going concern of art journals and drawings, care and kindness. Blessings!

It really is a changing world we live in, where we can connect with talent and soon to be friends from many countries, at our wee keyboards; perhaps, in time, this will be a tiny step toward tolerance and peace. Eleni, Thank you!

As tradition dictates I think it is our turn to list our addictions and to pass this award on to 5 (or is it now 7) other artists and, so here goes:

Five (ok 11) of my addictions
lattes and frappes
ok, not just lattes, food actually; good food, slow food, italian food, greek food, indian food, thai food, mom's food.. most food (oh and red wine).. did i say figs.. home baked bread

dreamy colours

barely there teacup blue, soft Italian yellow - those colours that affect you, make you flush when you gaze upon them

sleeping husbands
mine, when you can almost see the boy he once was, still is..
also his laughter, his smile, his all encompassing hugs

sleeping children
my children, when you can see where
angles wings have brushed their faces..
all children.. being a mother, a matriarch

when you can see to the other side..
where you get a glimpse of the soul

friends in the hot tub.. more food

old things
linens, marble chunks, photos

art, creating, giving, receiving, daydreaming of

the written word
writing, prose, poetry, reading, language, thesaurus

cardio, abs, running, hiking, skiing, dance,
most sports, my kids sports

beauty, fun, flowers, fields of flowers, milk bottles of flowers, tulips.. anything i enjoy and i want more of

oops, i'm getting carried away.. more importantly..

The Winners Are
(drum roll here - check these web sites out.. really!)

heather at Audrey Eclectic
because she is a talented mother and artist:

krista at Poppyprint
because of her fabulous energy and giant heart:

vanessa at A Fanciful Twist
because i love her newspaper girls and her mad hatter tea:

andrea at Vintage Bella Studio
because i love her cottage style and she gets vintage

suzi at Suzi Blu
because i love her authenticity and want to take her classes

sung-hee (regina) at SungHeeReginaHongISM
because i love her Goddess work

tammie at Beauty Flows
because she is talented and even cooler,
she lives in a little cabin in the woods

Congratulations to you all!!
your art, your blog.. YOU are fabulous!!

Now its your turn to make note of 5 fabulous addictions and award this to 5 other talents!

Thanx again! You are inspiring!
Thanx again! You are inspiring!
Thanx again! You are inspiring!


  1. thank you for the award! You're sweet :)

  2. Awwww! Thank you , your are too sweet!

  3. OMG, Lenora!! How Awesome is this !!!
    Thanks sooooooooo much !

  4. what a small world we live in....a few hours ago i was exchanging messages and comments with sung-hee not knowing that i'll meet her here on your blog , lenora!!!
    thank you so much for your nice and kind words! you and your kids deserve the award!
    i love suzi and vanessa too! so inspiring artists! especially suzi, is so kind and always help and cares about the others! she has really changed my life since i met her!!!!

  5. congratulations on your award!!! I loved reading your list, your life sounds wonderful, healthy, alive, delicious and full of spirit!

    Thank you for thinking of me and my new blog, so kind, so sweet.


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