Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011

First off we are starting the New Year with our family
100 Awesome Things! gratitude corner
hosted by Jeanette at Keep Me In Stitches
What a great idea from Brave Girls Club

Birthdays are Awesome!!
Friends are Awesome!!

Then on to the ever fabulous Sunday Sketches..

William by T Moore age 13

And a Happy New Year to you all!
We hope the year brings you good things!

Royalty by C Moore age 10

Angel by me

And for his first sketching appearance ever.. daddy!

The bureau by Dad

May we all thrive in 2011!

Thanks and wishes
Sophia - our fabulous sketch host at BlueChairDiary


  1. The sketches are so cute...

    Happy New Year :)

  2. love them all - and that Dad is now participating!!!! Happy New Year.

  3. I love these sketches and how wonderful for the entire family to participate. :)Bea

  4. What fun to have the whole family participating!
    Sending you a hello on Sunday Sketches!

  5. Glad to see Dad getting in on the act - good on you! Happy New Year!

  6. Indeed - may you thrive!! (I have always loved the word "thrive")

    Great sketches by everyone! And a warm welcome to Daddy!

  7. Yeah - you are all getting off to such a fabulous start! Great to see Dad participating too!

    Looking forward to sharing lots of great art from your family!


  8. I love how you are a family that does art together! Yea daddy! Each piece is a joy to see.

    Wishing you all a wonderful 2011 ~

  9. I so enjoy seeing your kids art along with yours, and now "dads" too! That's awesome! Have a wonderful happy new year!

  10. Great set of sketches by all of you. Go dad!

  11. so great that you have the whole family participating! I'm particularly drawn to 'Royalty'.

  12. Please note Dad will be an occasional participant :-)

  13. Wow Daddy did a great job!!! I think he has done this before! All your sketches are great!!!

  14. Oh Lenora! I forgot to say Happy New Year!!! Let's make it a good one!!!

  15. hi my lovely lenora and kids!!! happy new year!
    all my fairies and witches are taking care of you!!!!!

  16. Oh it's so great that all of you are participating. what a way to start off the new year! So you all can draw, how cool is that????
    Happy New Year to you and the kids and DAD!
    I am drawn to the eyes, here on all of the sketches! ( of course, love the frogs!)
    the awesome gratitude corner looks like a great idea....i need to get my kids over there!

  17. I can't believe the first two are by children! They are so talented for their age! It is so nice of you to submit their work, I bet they feel very inspired! I love all of your guys sketches! Keep it up!

  18. Another awesome thing:
    That your whole family participates in sketching... so very cool.
    I am loving this week's set of drawings!


  19. The family that draws together stays together! Go Daddy! I love them all!


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