Friday, April 27, 2012

Harry Potter

witches cast spells
fortified 'gainst dark mark's breach
Dumbledore's army

glazed plate by T Moore age 14

today he works diligently at film making, game making, hunger games
and still anything involving Mr Potter

this plate adds to our table decor
art with a practical application..

like pancakes!

linking to:

Haiku my heart recuerda mi corazon

Sunday Sketches at blue chair dairy 


  1. Well done! He's very talented. Encourage often. My oldest has been drawing since she was three and has been teaching art for 22 years! No better way to touch the heart than through art! Have a grand day! Cathy

  2. Very fine practical piece. I love pancakes! I like the haiku and the way it grabs the reader. Maybe because I have a 12 year old Grandson that has filled me in on everything Harry Potter. I'll show him this. He'll be pleased.


  3. lenorita,

    i never tire of your children's artistic pursuits!
    how wonderful that his art will be an embellished part of everyday life.
    thank you for being here including us in your family life.

  4. Great Harry Potter haiku and colorful and creative haiku ~namaste, ^_^

  5. Love it...sounds like some teenagers I know!

  6. I LOVE This!!! Great plate; great haiku; great teamwork!!

  7. such a wonderful plate!!
    and perfect haiku to go with~

  8. Ah, seeing the world through the eyes of our children. I need to do that more often. Bring on the magic.

  9. HP haiku's, how great!!
    The artwork by T is wonderful, especially for his age.

  10. Oh wow... a Harry Potter haiku - I love it! The plate is gorgeous too, I suddenly long for pancakes! Hmmm...

  11. Pancakes & Harry Potter? This is brilliant and would be a welomed essential item at any credible witch or wizards table! And you've given me my first H.Potter haiku! I love it and your good wishes! Thank you!

  12. I admire artists who can work from their imaginations. Awesome!


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