Friday, December 12, 2014

Mary day 12

12 days with Mary

 ~ Day 12 ~

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

she, is still on my to do list,

fortunately, my dear friend's mother painted this water colour,
used with permission in our memorial books

Our Lady ~ by Paula

invocating grace

listening with collective faith

bound by our intention

Il mantello rosso di Maria - by L Moore

Mary's red mantle

 Mary, queen of Saints

If you could have had bobbles

and finery, I'd give you

my red mantle, in

thanks for your unconditional Love

Mary's mantle was sketched last night
with a dear friend in mind;
she loves Mary and the colour red,
and she has had a tough couple of days

ciao, mi carissima, you are loved!

linking to 
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

Thanks to the Enchanting Rebecca at Recuerda mi corazon
and to those who participate in her many pilgrimages

xxxx you are all a blessing!

Many blessings on your day today!

Il mantello rosa de Maria, 2014, pencil crayon, charcoal, acrylic, india ink

Our Lady, 1997, water colour

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mary Day 11

12 days with Mary
 ~ Day 11 ~

heaven's light ~ by L Moore

prostrate upon the ground
laying it all at your feet
asking for guidance


linking to
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mary Day 10

12 days with Mary

 ~ Day 10 ~

Maternal ~ by C & L Moore




linking to

12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

As above, I sometimes play the doodle game with my kids; it is like the game where you go around the dinner table telling a story, each adding a line to the adventure, instead you put markers to paper and
create a picture rather than a tale..

Enjoy the moments in your day ..they compound to make a life

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mary Day 9

12 days with Mary
 ~ Day 9 ~

She ~ by L Moore


the divine within,


linking to
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

Monday, December 8, 2014

Mary Day 8

12 days with Mary
 ~ Day 8 ~

Mary detail ~ by L Moore


evocative, archetype
nurturing, maternal


linking to
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mary Day 7

12 days with Mary
 ~ Day 7 ~

blue Mary ~ by L Moore

Mary and Mona share
that same knowing look,

like they've been there,
but Mary has an underlying pain,

blue Mary..

linking to
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Mary Day 6

12 days with Mary
 ~ Day 6 ~
Mary by C Moore age 13 and L Moore

I have always felt that Mary

was a woman who would get things done..

linking to
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

with Love.. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Mary Day 5

12 days with Mary
 ~ Day 5 ~

Mary ~ by S Boppart age 11

dreamed through the eyes of a child;
a magnificent rainbow


linking to
12 days with Mary at recuerda mi corazon

Seasons's greetings!

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