Friday, March 9, 2012


St Paul by T Moore

My son is a doer.. he wants to do everything! As he grows he is learning first hand that we have to make choices. These are hard lessons for him, nothing i need teach him, because he desires to learn so much, he simply runs out of time and has to choose..

and yes, i get it..

I will need a hundred life times to complete my to do list / i ache too, to do it all; to practice glazing until true luminosity reveals itself, to dance with technique, to dance with abandon, to cook, to parent.. to laugh harder and more often, to fly with the wind and not just visit but really live.. not just to dabble, but to travel the interiors of these many arts, to learn them in more detail and with more depth, to practice along side the masters.. to experience and learn more..

life lessons, always growing..

Probably more suited to Michaelmas, I found this among my sons papers at his desk with his homework..

Always refreshing, the optimism of youth..

my son, the seeker..

linking to:

Post Cards from Paradise at recuerda mi corazon

Sunday Sketches at blue chair dairy

Have a Great day!


  1. Excellent, love the talking helmet :oD

  2. i have been missing you and your dear children, thank you for being here and sharing wisdom and love!

    1. Got this up then missed linking.. a bit of a whirlwind of outside activity, my son will add to it and get it linked this Sunday :-)

  3. i am struck with the courage and boldness of your young son. this is the path of a seeker, a doer, this is the path of realization. lenora i love your mothering heart!

  4. He has the basics and is ready for more; indeed is seeking it himself. Life will never be boring for either of you.

  5. I love your son's cartoon story and can sympathise with him and you in the need to do eveything but the fact that we can't!

  6. Your longings -- and your son's -- ring true. It takes so long to come to a place of enough, of satisfaction.

  7. I can so relate to this. Never enough hours in the day...

  8. what a fun sketch! I can so relate - as well as when you discuss glazing - is this in painting or pottery? glazing in painting has become a challenge for me at this time in a very personal way

  9. Yes painting - its many years since I explored the magic of glazing for fire and kiln, n art all it's own.. But today I explore the ancient lore and modern technique of glazing with paints, tempura, acrylic, perhaps one day oils..

  10. You have been bless with a very creative son!! He gets it from his Mom :o)
    Thank you for stopping by Queenie's wee blog and for your wonderful comment.
    Have a great day!
    Always, Queenie

  11. Your sons comic strip is it.. and yes I wish I had more time too... :)

  12. This is a handsome painting of St. Paul, with its gold background. Did your son or you paint this?

  13. More to do than can ever be is good. May we always choose well.

  14. Such a beautiful post..inspiring wise thoughts and words!!

  15. Delightful post ~ lovely photos ~thanks, namaste, Carol ^_^

  16. A wonderful sharing! thank you! it put my many yearning selves back into perspective!

  17. a wonderful post - so many things to do so little time - but isnt it wonderful to LOVE doing so many things!
    have a great week!

  18. Great post, love your son's comic!

  19. lovely post Lenora!!!! great words....and wonderful art!!!!

  20. cute cartoon! and beautiful painting of St Paul.

  21. Well said!

    Your son is an inspiration :)

  22. wonderful to see both these artful pieces! love how your family enjoys so many facets of life!

  23. Thank you for stopping by to visit and comment.Your vision of life is inspiring.Keep it up.It's wonderful to read.If you painted St.Paul-how wonderful for you. Denise

  24. beautiful words and beautiful art!

  25. This is amazing! It is so nice to visit you again :) ~Lauren

  26. Bravo to your son!the "agiographia" is very good! He is so near to make it perfect!!!except the red lines,on the face, all the other are correct!!! Keep up to drawing!!!kisses from Greece.


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