Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Family Christmas Tea!

A sugar plum fairy told us..

Gingerbread design by C Moore age 10

So, please do come in, Tea will be served in minutes,
feel free to snack on anything but the bearing walls!

Teacher's Christmas Card, Mary, by T Moore age 13

do join us in our Christmas preparations;
letters for friends, cards for teachers,
so much Christmas cheer, to draw and paint and bake!

Wishing you the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of the Christmas!

More Christmas Tea at Mr Toasts' here!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas!
    Thanks for the tea and all the Christmas cheer. You know, I haven't just sat down and drawn anything in quite a while; I think it's time to!

  2. Well would you look at that. I'm busy editing my post (changing my outfit would you believe) and I come back and find two comments! That's what I call quick off the mark!

    We decorated our tree here too today. Feel very Christmassy in our house.

    Festive greetings!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lenora,

    A hardy WELCOME to you adn your children here at the Torosay Castle. I just LOVE th e artwork and had my bulter, Alfred, dissplay them in frames going up staircase to the guest rooms. :)

    I've aslo added you to my sidebar ffor other guests to see and visit!

  5. So good to see you at Mr Toast's tea party!

  6. Thank you for your visit! Hoping you stop by again!!! You have a delightful home here! Cathy

  7. Hi Lenora, it's so nice to see you at tea. You're children and their drawings are very charming:)

  8. Thakn you again Lenora for coming to the tea and even gettibg your children involved. Please tell them how very honoured Mr. Toast was to have their art work hanging along the stairs gogin up to eh upper flight. I noted alot of people were very touched by their childlike wonder. you are such a great mom. They are so very very blessed indeed. I just love how you involve your kids with the various projects, like Sunday Sketches. Wonderful!

  9. Lovely sketches by the kids Lenora. Beautiful tree too

  10. What a party....and your children's art work is divine. You looked lovely and it was so nice to meet you at the tea.

  11. thanks for stopping by my blog, Lenora, so pleased to meet you! Thanks for the snacks and tea!

  12. Aww...I'm so glad you came to the tea! We had SO much fun, didn't we? :)


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