Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Snow

What a festive weekend we're having!

The magical Waldorf Christmas Fair at the local Waldorf School!
My daughter's beautiful ballet and banquet evening,
shining dancers, delicious food!

my Sunday Sketch

Waking to a glorious snow day, shrills of delight from the younger set!

Our Sunday sketches by a cozy fire,
later children sculpted theirs in ice!

snowman by C Moore age 10

mouse by T Moore age 13

Winter garden, flowers and herbs peek
from a snow feathered blanket!

Visions of skiing, snow shoeing; winter has begun!

For more fabulous work check out Sophia's Sunday Sketches
at Blue Chair Diary!


  1. Brrrrr..... shiver me timbers, tis a fairly wintry scene you're showing there me hearties.

    (I have absolutely no idea why I have suddenly started talking like a pirate. Are you casting magic spells on your blog this week?).

  2. nice. enjoy your day...loving the sketches...that mouse is really cool...

  3. The sketches are great the mouse really made me smile. Looks like winter is there for sure. Sounds like you have a fun full weekend planned, enjoy.

  4. Aaaaaa Lenora I'm sooooo veryyyy jealous. You have snow over there and a wonderful snowman... and a mouse :)
    I love your sketches!!
    Have fun!!!!

  5. oh my goodness, i LOVE the mouse of course! ( so do my kids, I showed it to them.) lucky you all wrapped up in winter already. festivals, snow and all....heaven! enjoy. xxoo

  6. I love the snow-mouse. I can't believe you have snow already. Super fun sketches. Love that your kids play along. I may have to do that also.

  7. oh what happiness!!!! I love your illustrations and the cool snowman and snow mouse!!! adorable....I can't wait for some snow here!!!!

  8. What darling little snow creatures! That picture you sketched is very elegant looking in that pose. Great job

  9. You have snow!!! you are so lucky- we just have rain and misty stuff at the moment. I love the creation of snow sculptures from the sketches. Fantastic!!

  10. Wow! You have that much snow already? Where are you?? Wonderful sketches but I especially love how they turned into snow creations!! Fabulous!!

  11. It sounds like you and the kids love the snow! Enjoy and have fun! I love the sketches too!

  12. Oh, Mona Lisa? Lovely! I also love the little snow mouse sketch. :)

  13. thank you for sharing your wintry day with us. Mine is much the same, just no children or snowmen, not yet at least.

    I love each piece of art, both on paper and in snow.

    I wish I could have gone with you to that fair!

  14. just came across your site - very fun...come and join the play at Whimsical Wednesday - more here:

  15. Firt of all I am soooo jealous that you have snow already! So loving the snow sketches.

  16. What wonderful wintery fun... fabulous sketches by all! Yay - sounds (and looks) like you're having loads of fun with all of that snow!


  17. All fun - Jealous of your snow! Love the mouse too!


  18. Wow, it sounds like you had a great weekend. Love the seeing the skectches and then them made of snow!

  19. Love the sketches. Thank you for inviting me!


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